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Storage Box Large

149 kr
Artikelnummer: 56

Using our Storage box is a great way to keep your crystals, glitters and decorations organized and easily accessible. A well-organized storage box can help you save time by making it easy to find the items you need, when you need it. It also helps to protect your crystals, glitters and decorations from damage and prolong their lifespan. Additionally, using storage boxes can also help to keep your work area clean and neat. Investing in a good quality storage box with multiple compartments, will help you to keep your crystals, glitters and decorations in order, making it a positive move towards a more efficient and functional workspace.

Storage Box Large:
56 pockets (14x4 separate pieces) to store all of your favorite crystals and charms. 

Size: 2,5 x 17 x 22 cm

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